


供稿: 邹渊 编辑: 鄂嵋

学术报告:混合动力车辆建模与最优控制/Modeling and control of hybrid electric vehicles
报告人:Dr. Philipp Elbert, ETH Zurich苏黎世理工、机械与过程工程系、系统与控制研究所
时间:2017年10月24日  上午9:00-11:00  学术报告和讨论
地点:车辆重点实验楼二层学术报告厅  报告语言:英语

报告内容:This talk will summarize some of the research results on hybrid electric vehicle. The Formula 1 car has been a hybrid electric vehicle with a turbocharged gasoline engine and electric motor/generator units connected to the axle, for kinetic energy recovery and boosting, and to the shaft of the turbocharger, mainly to recover waste heat from the exhaust gases. The talk will focus on real-time implementable energy management strategy minimizing the lap time, by deriving the optimal control policy analytically.


Dr. Philipp Elbert was born in Starnberg, Germany. He received the M.Sc. and Dr.Sc. degrees in mechanical engineering in 2009 and 2013, respectively, both from ETH Zürich, Switzerland. His master thesis was awarded the Hans-Eggenberger Preis 2010. Currently, he has been employed as a senior scientist in control engineering at the ETH Zürich, Switzerland. His research interests include fuel optimal control and design of hybrid electric vehicles and diesel engines, optimal control theory and numerical methods. Every fall semester he is lecturing the ETH ME master's course "Vehicle Propulsion Systems".


